User Guide

Network Topology

The NetOpt framework can build topologies from GraphML, or GML files such those provided by Topology Zoo. The framework is also able to read random topologies generated by the Brite Topology Generator. A collection of random topologies can be found in the downloads section. If the topology file doesn't define link's bandwidth and delay, default values are applied. Bandwidth and delay default values can be defined in the Option menu.


NetOpt comes with a set of configurable options such as link state weight's range or the number of maximum parallel threads to run in certain optimizations. A brief description of each option as well as the default values are presented in the Option menu.


NetOpt uses mutiplocessing to reduce computation time. The number of processor to be used for parallel EA evaluations is defined in conf/jecoli.conf

Command line interface

NetOpt offers some command line running options:

> java -jar plugins_bin/netopt/netopt.jar